Montag, 8. Dezember 2014

Nintendo 3DS update version 9.3.0-21 veröffentlicht nun

Nun können r4i gold 3ds, ace 3ds plus und r4i 3ds rts V 9.3.0-21 untersützen.
Nintendo has released firmware version 9.3.0-21 for the 3DS. There have been improvements to system stability, but this update does bring about a few features as well.

First, there is now a “Shuffle Favorites” feature for 3DS themes. It’s possible to choose multiple themes and have their theme change when the system is left in Sleep Mode or turned on after being turned off. Updates for software can also be downloaded from the Home Menu, and screenshots can be captured with both the upper and lower screens included.
Read on below for the official update notes from Nintendo.
Changes to the HOME Menu:
A Shuffle Favorites feature has been added under Change Theme in HOME Menu Settings. Users can choose multiple themes and have their theme change when the system is left in Sleep Mode from the HOME Menu or turned on after being off
Available software updates can now be downloaded from the HOME Menu
Users can now capture screenshots with both the upper and lower screens included
Improvements to system stability and usability:
Further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience

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